Clear, Straightforward Books on Christian Faith and Life

Grassmarket Press is a new imprint from Crown & Covenant Publications that aims to provide readable resources on Reformed and Presbyterian theology and practice—for regular people.

Now Available


The Worship of God

Most Christians understand we are called to gather together to worship him together, publicly. Why? Because our God is worthy, the scriptures say. We are compelled to worship because of his worthiness. He is to be “feared, loved, praised, called upon, trusted in and served with our whole selves.”

And what guides that worship? How do we express our longing and our love for God when we are gathered? Eshelman shows that God gives us clear guidance. Our worthy God shows how he wants to be worshiped and warns against coming to our own conclusions. God’s plan for worship gives us unity as his people that will be ultimately fulfilled in our eternal life with him.

“God alone is worthy! This is a message every Christian, and every church, needs to hear.”


vice president of academics, professor of theology, Reformation Bible College

Nathan Eshelman pastors the Orlando Reformed Presbyterian Church in historic downtown Orlando, Florida. He prepared for ministry at seminaries in Grand Rapids, Mich. and Pittsburgh, Pa. He writes for Gentle Reformation and Meet the Puritans and co-hosts the podcast The Jerusalem Chamber. Nathan is married to Lydia and has five children.

Available through: Crown & Covenant Publications

Pages: 141 pp.


Worship, Feasting, Rest, Mercy

The Christian Sabbath


“One day a week, we lay aside our tools, wash off the sweat, stop pursuing our agendas, and feast and sing in honor of God.”
The world tells us that work is our identity. Career, income, and the toys they let us buy determine our success or failure. But God says otherwise. The Sabbath is his weekly message that the good things we have are his gift. Once a week he invites us to set aside our labor, trust him to provide, and celebrate his faithfulness. 
In this book, Daniel Howe makes the case that the Christian Sabbath is not about what we’re forbidden from doing. It’s about what we get to do: honor and enjoy God’s gift of rest, and share it with others. 

“A timely wake-up call for sleeping Sabbath breakers (and keepers!).” 


—GORDON J. KEDDIE, author,
Prayers of the Bible

Daniel Howe is the pastor of Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church in Riverside, Rhode Island. He and his wife Esther have five children and live in an old farmhouse on Rhode Island’s East Bay.

Available through: Crown & Covenant Publications

Pages: 213 pp.


I have a Confession

The What and Why of the Westminster Confession of Faith

In your town, there are probably many churches saying they follow the Bible, yet they worship very differently and take different positions on big issues. How can we find a church that promotes right thinking about the Bible, encourages unity with truth, protects us from error, and helps us proclaim the good news? That is the heart of confessional churches and being a confessional Christian. This book is an introduction to confessions and what they’re supposed to do (and not do), focusing on the Westminster Confession of Faith.

“Too many Christians today see confessions of faith as dry, obscure straitjackets. In this accessible, engaging work, Nathan Eshelman dispels these caricatures, showing how the Westminster Confession, in particular, brings Christians clarity in the gospel and guidance in the Christian life. Many Christians, both new and mature, will be in his debt.”
—Stephen G. Myers, 
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Nathan Eshelman pastors the Orlando Reformed Presbyterian Church in historic downtown Orlando, Florida. He prepared for ministry at seminaries in Grand Rapids, Mich. and Pittsburgh, Pa. He writes for Gentle Reformation and Meet the Puritans and co-hosts the podcast The Jerusalem Chamber. Nathan is married to Lydia and has five children.

Available through: Crown & Covenant Publications
Pages: 138 pp.


What Is Love

God’s Answer to Humanity’s Question

There are many voices in every corner of our world that are trying to tell us what love is. We need that noise quieted by a voice that strong and true. In the Bible, God speaks clearly and fully in defining and describing what love is in all the different relationships of life. This book is an encouragement to stop and listen, to consider that which the Scriptures call the lightning flash of the Lord.
“Accessibly and delightfully written, Pastor Borg’s What is Love? arms Christians to recognize and distinguish real love from its counterfeits. All Christians in a post-Obergefell world that uncritically believes ‘love is love’ need to read this book.”
—Rosaria Butterfield, author, 
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Kyle Borg is the pastor of Winchester Reformed Presbyterian Church in Kansas. Born and raised in a small town in Minnesota, he served in the Air National Guard and studied at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He blogs at Gentle Reformation and co-hosts the podcasts 3GT and The Jerusalem Chamber. He and his wife, Rachel, have five children.

Available through: Crown & Covenant Publications
Pages: 135 pp.


Coming in 2024-25

Grassmarket Press The Elders of the People
Grassmarket Press Good News for the Poor
Grassmarket Press Loving the Trinity
Grassmarket Press Together

See More Reformed Titles Available at Crown and Covenant Publications